How Memes Can Be Useful Tools to Boost Website Traffic
If you regularly update your Facebook or Tumblr, you know the ability of memes to go viral. Online marketers today are using these images to generate Web traffic and even build backlinks without much effort to boost website traffic. When you have a product to market, using viral memes can be helpful to reach the intended target audience. Photo-editing software such as Photoshop or visiting sites such as can help you create memes that you can post on your social media account. There are other meme sites to help you understand how to create humorous memes that will not fail to capture attention.
Two Things to Consider When Using Memes
Now you may start to consider using memes just to generate a substantial amount of web traffic. The first thing to do is to make sure you choose a template that is currently trending - use something fresh and hot. Trends on the Internet can change daily or weekly, so you need to use something that everyone is raving about .
The second aspect to consider is choosing the subject to work on. It’s important to make sure that your target audience will find your created meme hilarious. Having people relate to the meme will help you gain enough followers or fans for your website.
Different Social Media Platforms
Social media is the hype today. You can share everything online, promote products and even meet people conveniently. When it comes to using memes to boost traffic to your site, there are different platforms to choose from: Facebook, Pinterest and Twitter are among the most popular ones. However, of all of the social media platforms, Tumblr seems to be the best choice when it comes to viral memes. Tumblr makes it convenient for you to gather backlinks to help optimize your site, even if you do not have thousands of followers.
Why Should You Consider Memes to Help Generate Website Traffic?
Memes go viral - that is the most basic of all reasons. The Internet is a hub used by millions of people, and it can be a source of entertainment. Seen also on popular sites like YouTube or Facebook, memes are also a source of entertainment online because they easily capture people’s attention. Since they are funny by nature, people like to spread them by clicking on the share button - and that is how going viral starts. It’s easy to create your own memes. It will not take more than five minutes to come up with a humorous image. Once you have a great caption to go with the image, you can create the meme and post it and wait for it to go viral. You may be quick to assume that it is hard to make something that can easily go viral, but on the contrary, it’s easy to create them. If you have some basic knowledge of Photoshop and an innate sense of humor, then you are on your way to creating powerful memes that can help attract visitors to your website. If you do not have a sense of humor, you can always work something out and it is something that you can also improve on with practice.
Creating a Meme
Now it has been established that creating memes can be extremely easy. The question now is, how do you create a meme so genius and so compelling, people cannot help but share away? Creating something fresh that needs to be viral can be challenging. However, there is always the option of borrowing an idea and turning it into your own - which is a lot easier than the first point. In a nutshell, these viral memes are simply jokes that you can post on your website. At the same time, you should make sure it matches your niche and provides something that your target audience can relate to.
Helpful Tips for Meme Creation:
Understand Your Niche
The more you are in touch with the kind of niche your website has, the easier it will be to come up with memes that will surely tickle your audience
Practice with Drafts
When an idea pops into your head, write it down before you lose it. Play with words until you come up with the best ones that you know will capture your audience. Choosing the right words is important to create powerful memes, so take your time and get the creative and humorous juices flowing.
Borrow Ideas
Experts on memes are everywhere, so you may want to refer to them first. Who knows, you might just get a brilliant idea by watching other great memes that have been posted online. .
Get Others’ Opinions
It helps to ask someone to judge your meme. This way, you can gather suggestions to improve your meme. However, the final call should come from you and if you are confidant that your meme will go far, then just go for it.

Cameron Mackey

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