Tips for Optimizing Your Search Results for Pinterest New Smart Feed
- December 12 2014
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A lot of bloggers witnessed a decline in traffic after Pinterest released the new Smart Feed. This is the replacement for Pinterest’s Home Feed. Those who used Pinterest as a way to drive traffic to their Web site will now have to rethink how they organize their feeds to continue ranking high. With this new feed, users are seeing pins being placed in order of best pins rather than in chronological order. This new algorithm now uses three factors to determine what you see:
- Highest quality pins from those you follow
- Related pins based on what you pin
- You’re interests based on who you follow
Before, when you had a lot of people following you on Pinterest, the majority of them would see your pins. Now, this is no longer true. Today, even though you have a lot of followers, most won’t see your pins unless they are highly ranked. So the days of depending on pin quantity and followship are no longer enough to drive traffic to your Web site or blog. You can think of the new Smart Feed as being more like the Google of social media. It allows people to find your pins based on keyword searches rather than strictly from pins in their feed. This means that you’re going to use SEO techniques for high quality pins, so that you can continue being seen on Pinterest.
Make Your Pins High Quality
In order to ensure that Pinterest considers your pins high quality, it’s required that they have good content and high engagement. The images should also be high quality, so to attract people and get more repins. To increase engagement, the pin’s description should be compelling enough to get folks to click on them to find out more. SEO techniques are needed to help Pinterest recognize pins that are high quality. This will in turn make the pins rank higher and be shared as related pins. If you design your own pins, make sure that they’re gorgeous and eye-catching. However, if you like to repin, make sure that the pins are high quality. You can use Tailwind to help you analyze pins.
Use Search Engine Optimization Methods
The SEO tactics you use for your pins should consist of the following:
- Descriptive keywords in the images: Rather than using image names like IMG_034, you should put keywords that relate to the image, such as chocolate bar recipe.
- Alt tags in the images: This is another way to get keywords into your image, so make use of the alt tag section to reuse the same keyword or a related keyword phrase.
- Keywords in your pin’s description: In the actual description of your pin, don’t forget to place keyword phrases as well.
This will allow Pinterest to recognize your pins as being high quality and will in turn help them to be seen by followers and non-followers alike. The more people interact with your pins, such as through repins, click-throughs, comments and likes, the better your rankings will be.
Make Sure the Source is High Quality
Not only does the pin have to be high quality, but the source where it comes from must also be high quality. The quality of a source depends on how often people have pinned or repinned content from that blog or web site. If you are pinning content from your own site, make sure that you are only doing your best content. Otherwise, check your pins to ensure that they are coming from a reputable web site that has excellent content.
Try using these tips to help boost the traffic coming in from Pinterest to your web site or blog.

Cameron Mackey

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